Questions tagged [html5]

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1 answer

Can you control raspberry pi GPIO pins from a html website

I would like to be able to connect a html website to the GPIO pins so that when a button is pushed on the website it turns on a GPIO pin on the pi. I am also wondering if it is possible to take data ...
jaguarclaws2000's user avatar
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Node.js RPI 4B problem with GPIO

I started doing the Node.js and RPI tutorial from I created a server to control an LED with a button on a prototype board or via http but the LED does not light up. It seems to me that ...
bastekrjn's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Using a Raspberry Pi as an access point redirects to an HTML website stored on a hard drive connected via USB [closed]

I would like to code a very simple web site in HTML/CSS/JS that is stored on a hard disc (because it’s heavy with some media video) connected to my Raspberry Pi 4 and give local access to this website ...
Rkthrss's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Apache2 how to access .html file outside website root

I am trying to create a localhost website that has multiple links to redirect to other .html files on the raspberry pi. These other .html files and websites are located in a folder located at /home/pi/...
user119682's user avatar
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php script doesn’t work well when called from html (jquery)

I am creating a web page on a raspberry pi Here is the essence of my html code: <html><head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <script ...
rambi's user avatar
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Why does WPE Webkit has hardware acceleration but Chromium doesn't?

I'm working on an engineering project for a client and after various tests, the web software runs better when called from Webkit running on the framebuffer, than Chromium from the X. As it sometimes ...
fixmycode's user avatar
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1 answer

Link to HTML-File on Raspberry Pi running openHAB

On the Raspberry Pi, I have an html-file which I can view when directly logged into the Raspberry Pi. The page is shown on a display that is directly connected to the Raspberry Pi. Now I want to ...
Soeren's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to control python code though web page

Currently I am working on a dual axis sun calibration device. Everything was going well so far but I made a huge mistake. Here is what I made so far. I wrote my code in Python 3.8. Libraries I used:...
Sloth McLazy's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Raspberri Pi (Raspian) running Apache 2, PhP(7) HTML CSS not running PHP

I am getting very frustrated with trying to track down the source of my problems with the code below. I believe it is something to do with php files not being run. (Note that all files are in the same ...
JerryPlayz101's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Newcomer to RPi from web developing (HTML/CSS/Javascript). Do I have any advantages? [closed]

I'm looking to get in to the wonderful world of RPi. I can make a website with HTML/CSS/JavaScript/PHP so does that give me any kind of advantage over a true RPi newbie? For my first project I'd like ...
Ben Clarke's user avatar
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RPi_Cam_Web_Interface doesn't works and shows wrong HTML site, how to fix?

I wanted to stream from my RPi to a website that I can access over the IP address. The best solution seems to be RPi_Cam_Web_Interface. I followed the instructions on the that seems to be ...
Spielekind's user avatar
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2 answers

Rpi camera as webcam has low quality

I want to capture high quality images from RPI using Chromium and the Rpi camera as webcam. If I take photos with raspistill I can get 8MP quality. I'm trying to do the same within the browser but ...
Alessandro Dionisi's user avatar
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Google Calendar looks broken in Chromium and Firefox

When I open up google calendar in Chromium or Firefox it looks kinda broken and not as it looks on my desktop PC I could not find any useful help on the Interwebs. What could be the problem here?
avb's user avatar
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WPE - WebPlatform For Embedded built directly on Raspbian Stretch (HW Support)

I'm trying to build WebKitForEmbedded but this is disaster. I've created another post about this issue (
sticker's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

How I can use a barcode scanner and PHP/MySQL to run a database? [closed]

I am currently trying the following with the help of a Raspberry Pi: Barcode scanner scans barcode (connected to the Raspberry Pi via USB Port) (via Python?) A hidden form is filled in The user ...
spacew4lker's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Sending data from html to python [closed]

I'm doing a project called IoT based announcement system where the user has to type the lcd number and the information to be announced in a webpage and that data should be printed and also converted ...
Lak1's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

How to blink led on Raspberry Pi

I wrote python program that can be blink led on raspberry pi . import RPi.GPIO as GPIO ## Import GPIO library import time ## import Delay library GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO....
abhimanyu143's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

WiringPi, PHP: Interrupt driven event counter

I am planning to set up an HTML-PHP website gui which opens up in Chromium Kiosk mode. I want the gui to count the number of falling edge interrupts and show the count on the GUI. I have achieved ...
Mohsin Anees's user avatar
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PHP script is not returning to main page after calling Python script

I am designing a Raspberry Pi based home automation unit in which the Pi will communicate with several atmega328p microcontrollers (in each room) via nrf24l01. Atmega side will not be a problem, but I ...
S.Das's user avatar
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HTML doesn't show button if not in a local network using webiopi.js, how show it on the browser?

I followed a tutorial made by Jerry Hildenbrand, where he teaches how to control a LED via local network. His tutorial works perfectly, I just need to type tightvncserver in the raspberry and open any ...
Thiago Farias's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

raspberry pi running python website on linux

we ara planning to make a program for raspberry pi 3. We figured out that maybe it would be better to write this program as a website with python. If the button is a website element, and the website ...
Ignity's user avatar
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Video on sites are Jerky

I've got a problem with my Rpi 3 on a Raspbian. I want to show some videos from internet (HTML Videos), but when I display them (they are not even in full screen), it's all jerky. It plays 2 seconds ...
B.T's user avatar
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2 answers

PHP can't execute sudo script (www-data is allowed to sudo commands)

Can anyone of you tell me why this doesn't work? When i open the file doesnt run anything :( This is my php file: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Restarter ...
dnorhoj's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Printing state of wiringpi pin onto webpage

I have a Pi set up with Apache and wiringpi, and I would like to read the state of an in pin (every 20 seconds, if possible) and display it on my webpage using PHP. The input is to determine if my ...
0x3C's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

What Operating System/Web Browser supports HTML5 video with hardware acceleration on the Raspberry Pi?

Problem: I'm currently attempting to boot my Raspberry Pi into kiosk mode so that an HTML5 Video will play without skipping. My problem is that all video skips and will not play smoothly without GPU ...
SaundersB's user avatar
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6 votes
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Why is my simple HTML Canvas rendering only 11fps in Chromium a Pi3?

I've written some simple HTML games for my kids on the Pi. The latest one uses a Canvas but the performance is terrible (and I get the yellow "running hot" square). I measured by code running in my ...
Danny Tuppeny's user avatar
2 votes
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Realtime streaming video to HTML5 with RaspberryPi, gstreamer

I'm trying to make a live stream from a Raspberry camera available on a HTML5 webpage. Because of combination of factors, I would like to stream it to an outside server pc(Server pc os is window7) ...
chad's user avatar
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PHP stopped working after installing sendmail on raspberry pi

My PHP is not working after I installed sendmail on the raspberry pi. PHP is still installed. I checked using php -v on the command line. My lighttpd server is just not serving php. I've tried ...
Sub 6 Resources's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

How to stream low-latency video from the RPi to a web browser in realtime

I took me a while of hunting, but I managed to get low-latency real-time video streaming working on my RPi2. I'm running this on my RPi2: raspivid -t 999999 -h 720 -w 1280 -fps 25 -b 2000000 -vf -o -...
Cerin's user avatar
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Embedding live video stream to a html5 webpage; both camera server and webserver hosted on pi

I have a USB camera connected to my pi. I'm also hosting my personal website on it. How do I create a separate page on my website with authentication and display the live feed from my port 8081 on it?
ArcaneDominion's user avatar
3 votes
6 answers

HTML5 Video options

My web-based application utilises HTML5 for various dynamic elements (img, video, etc). I'm hoping to be able to use RPi's for system deployment, but I can't seem to find a suitable mix of browser/...
jars121's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Epiphany Browser is unable to display HTML5 Video

I installed latest Raspberry PI os and it has a default browser (Epiphany). I want to run my simple html5 webpage having a video, but browser is displaying only video controls and do not stream video....
Noman Uddin's user avatar