The Pi3B+**Pi3B+** amber LED blinks.
The Green LED is off.
The Pi4**Pi4** amber LED is on.
The Green LED blinks.
The Pi3B amber LED is on.
The Green LED blinks.
Speed: 100Mb/s
Out of curiosity I ran the command on my PiB+ running Stretch
eth_led0 Set mode of LED0 (usually orange) (default
"1"). The legal values are:
0=link/activity 1=link1000/activity
2=link100/activity 3=link10/activity
4=link100/1000/activity 5=link10/1000/activity
6=link10/100/activity 14=off 15=on
eth_led1 Set mode of LED1 (usually green) (default
"6"). See eth_led0 for legal values.