I am looking for a solution where I can control a "8 Channel Relay" (Link: http://www.amazon.in/channel-control-optocoupler-ARDUINO-Raspberry/dp/B00YY0SYFU?tag=googinhydr18418-21) wirelessly by using raspberry pi. Presently I am using it (8 Channel Relay) by connecting it to GPIO pins (wired connection). I have found, I can use nRF24L01 (Wireless TransceiverLink: http://www.nordicsemi.com/eng/Products/2.4GHz-RF/nRF24L01) but again the problem is relay requires an external power source. Is there any multi channel relay available, which doesn't require any external power source and just can be connected to nRF24L01.
In "4 Channel DC 12V AC 240V RF Wireless Remote Control Switch Relay Transmitter 4CH" (Link: http://www.ebay.in/itm/4-Channel-DC-12V-AC-240V-RF-Wireless-Remote-Control-Switch-Relay-Transmitter-4CH-/121104193817) can I replace the wireless remote control by using nRF24L01 (Wireless Transceiver) to send signals from raspberry pi? Because it is already available in market which doesn't require any external power source.
Thank You!