I just got it working under the Adafruit Raspbian Jessie image (although I am still fiddling with an inverted x/y touchscreen issue).
The secret seems to be:
do the detailed install outlined here:
When you edit the file ~/.kivy/config.ini per those instrucitons, also edit the [DISPLAY] section to set the display size to 320x240
you also have to run** fbcp while you are running kivy
To install that you will probably need to install cmake:
sudo apt-get install cmake
Once I did those steps the examples ran.
** E.g., in one SSH terminal window I run
$ path_to_where_compiled_fbcp/fbcp
then in another SSH terminal window I run
$ python examples/demo/pictures/main.py
If you run into problems where the RESISTIVE touch screen coordinates seem reversed, try this in your ~/.kivy/config.ini file: (which also needs to be copied to /root/ using sudo cp)
mouse = mouse
mtdev_%(name)s = probesysfs,provider=mtdev
hid_%(name)s = probesysfs,provider=hidinput,param=rotation=270,param=invert_y=1
Note: if you are using the CAPACITIVE touch screen, the code is a bit different to use mtdev due to some sort of bug with the hidinput system for PiTFT:
mouse = mouse
%(name)s = probesysfs,provider=hidinput
pitft = mtdev,/dev/input/touchscreen,max_position_x=240,max_position_y=320,invert_y=0,invert_x=1,rotation=270