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spelling: viola is instrument, voila is "there you go" (literally "see there") in French. Was forced to remove whitespace around some slashes (which is also correct style) to reach 6-character edit minimum
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ViolaVoila! HD streaming with roughly 500 ms lag (with tweaking, down to 200 ms). It is definitely much easier than using the old methods. Quality and FPS is superb, but you can't embed this in HTML5 without transcodding to MP4 or WebM. I hope this will be implemented as it will truly make this a great standalone server.


Not supported  / implementedimplemented

Not supported  / implementedimplemented

Viola! HD streaming with roughly 500 ms lag (with tweaking, down to 200 ms). It is definitely much easier than using the old methods. Quality and FPS is superb, but you can't embed this in HTML5 without transcodding to MP4 or WebM. I hope this will be implemented as it will truly make this a great standalone server.


Not supported  / implemented

Not supported  / implemented

Voila! HD streaming with roughly 500 ms lag (with tweaking, down to 200 ms). It is definitely much easier than using the old methods. Quality and FPS is superb, but you can't embed this in HTML5 without transcodding to MP4 or WebM. I hope this will be implemented as it will truly make this a great standalone server.


Not supported/implemented

Not supported/implemented

Not supported / implementedNot supported / implemented

Not supported / implemented

Copy edited (e.g. ref. <>). Added some context. (its = possessive, it's = "it is" or "it has". See for example <>.)
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Thanks to comment from @mpromonet for the update on the Linux-Projects V4L2 driver that now implements MMAL very efficiently - but it is still a work in progress.

Follow these instructions to install the linux-project repository and install the UV4L driver with extras. Then install the server and mjpeg. If you want, you can experiment with the others too.

After you install everything, you can access the HTTP server on port 8080. You should also check the /etc/uv4l/conf file and set if you want mjpeg or h264H.264 as it makes a difference, but you can adjust a few settings via the built in-in web server.

This is what we were all waiting for (Called WebRTCcalled WebRTC) and thanks to the new driver it works great (Onon a Raspberry Pi 2).

First, follow these steps:,

curl | sudo apt-key add -

# Add the following line to the file /etc/apt/sources.list 
# deb wheezy main

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install uv4l uv4l-raspicam

sudo apt-get install uv4l-raspicam-extras

Then on your Raspberry Pi 2 install this the WebRTC (Forfor a Raspberry Pi 1, read the linked site for other options)

You knownow have low latency-latency, high quality-quality video streaming direct into a modern browser like Chrome or Firefox. (Maybe Safari, but I cantcan't check because they dontdon't do Winblows any more and IEInternet Explorer... eh)

By default, it uses mjpeg at 1080p, and itsit's very sluggish. I tweaked it to 800x600 framesize and using something like iSpy to process video for. For security, I get about 10fps10 fps on a crisp video. Way muchIt is way better than the 3fps3 fps at 640x480 before this driver. WorksIt works on iPhone with safariSafari, Android Chrome and almost everything else.

This also means that motion should (I still need to test and comaptecompare) work allota lot better now. Make sure to set the configconfiguration to use v4l2_palette 8 or v4l2_palette 2


This has now been fixed for "streaming", and we don't have to go to great lengths to watch h264H.264 video through VLCVLC media player. The stream is sill RAW h264H.264, so you need to demux it or transcode/ encapsualte if you need it to work somewhere else. YouYou should tweak the bitrate=xxxxxx in the configconfiguration file if you are streaming over WiFiWi-Fi.

In VLC media player, you must tell it that you want to use the h264H.264 demuxer. So if youyou're using the GUI, then make sure to add the argument :demux=264  . From command line, vlc http.../video.h264 --demux h264 otherwise. Otherwise, you will just see a blank screen even though the camera LED is turned on.

Viola! HD streaming with roughly 500ms500 ms lag (with tweaking, down to 200ms200 ms). DefinitelyIt is definitely much easier than using the old methods. Quality and FPS is superb, but you cantcan't embed this in HTML5 with outwithout transcodding to mp4MP4 or webmWebM. I hope this will be implemented as it will truly make this a great standalone server.

There is no video4linux driver availbeavailabe yet. This means that we cantcan't use ffserverffserver to stream data using /dev/video0 or simlar like a USB webcam.

Thanks to comment from @mpromonet for the update on the Linux-Projects V4L2 driver that now implements MMAL very efficiently - but is still a work in progress.

Follow these instructions to install the linux-project repository and install the UV4L driver with extras. Then install the server and mjpeg. If you want you can experiment with the others too.

After you install everything you can access the HTTP server on port 8080. You should also check the /etc/uv4l/conf file and set if you want mjpeg or h264 as it makes a difference but you can adjust a few settings via the built in web server.

This is what we were all waiting for (Called WebRTC) and thanks to the new driver it works great (On a Raspberry Pi 2)

First follow these steps:

curl | sudo apt-key add -

# Add the following line to the file /etc/apt/sources.list 
# deb wheezy main

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install uv4l uv4l-raspicam

sudo apt-get install uv4l-raspicam-extras

Then on your Pi 2 install this the WebRTC (For Pi 1 read the linked site for other options)

You know have low latency, high quality video streaming direct into a modern browser like Chrome or Firefox. (Maybe Safari but I cant check because they dont do Winblows any more and IE... eh)

By default it uses mjpeg at 1080p and its very sluggish. I tweaked it to 800x600 framesize and using something like iSpy to process video for security I get about 10fps on a crisp video. Way much better than the 3fps at 640x480 before this driver. Works on iPhone with safari, Android Chrome and almost everything else.

This also means that motion should (I still need to test and comapte) work allot better now. Make sure to set the config to use v4l2_palette 8 or v4l2_palette 2


This has now been fixed for "streaming" and we don't have to go to great lengths to watch h264 video through VLC. The stream is sill RAW h264 so you need to demux it or transcode/ encapsualte if you need it to work somewhere else. You should tweak the bitrate=xxxxxx in the config file if you are streaming over WiFi.

In VLC you must tell it that you want to use the h264 demuxer. So if you using the GUI, then make sure to add the argument :demux=264  . From command line vlc http.../video.h264 --demux h264 otherwise you will just see a blank screen even though the camera LED turned on.

Viola! HD streaming with roughly 500ms lag (with tweaking down to 200ms). Definitely much easier than using the old methods. Quality and FPS is superb but you cant embed this in HTML5 with out transcodding to mp4 or webm. I hope this will be implemented as it will truly make this a great standalone server.

There is no video4linux driver availbe yet. This means that we cant use ffserver to stream data using /dev/video0 or simlar like a USB webcam.

Thanks to comment from @mpromonet for the update on the Linux-Projects V4L2 driver that now implements MMAL very efficiently - but it is still a work in progress.

Follow these instructions to install the linux-project repository and install the UV4L driver with extras. Then install the server and mjpeg. If you want, you can experiment with the others too.

After you install everything, you can access the HTTP server on port 8080. You should also check the /etc/uv4l/conf file and set if you want mjpeg or H.264 as it makes a difference, but you can adjust a few settings via the built-in web server.

This is what we were all waiting for (called WebRTC) and thanks to the new driver it works great (on a Raspberry Pi 2).

First, follow these steps,

curl | sudo apt-key add -

# Add the following line to the file /etc/apt/sources.list
# deb wheezy main

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install uv4l uv4l-raspicam

sudo apt-get install uv4l-raspicam-extras

Then on your Raspberry Pi 2 install this the WebRTC (for a Raspberry Pi 1, read the linked site for other options)

You now have low-latency, high-quality video streaming direct into a modern browser like Chrome or Firefox. (Maybe Safari, but I can't check because they don't do Winblows any more and Internet Explorer... eh)

By default, it uses mjpeg at 1080p, and it's very sluggish. I tweaked it to 800x600 framesize and using something like iSpy to process video. For security, I get about 10 fps on a crisp video. It is way better than the 3 fps at 640x480 before this driver. It works on iPhone with Safari, Android Chrome and almost everything else.

This also means that motion should (I still need to test and compare) work a lot better now. Make sure to set the configuration to use v4l2_palette 8 or v4l2_palette 2


This has now been fixed for "streaming", and we don't have to go to great lengths to watch H.264 video through VLC media player. The stream is sill RAW H.264, so you need to demux it or transcode/ encapsualte if you need it to work somewhere else. You should tweak the bitrate=xxxxxx in the configuration file if you are streaming over Wi-Fi.

In VLC media player, you must tell it that you want to use the H.264 demuxer. So if you're using the GUI, then make sure to add the argument :demux=264. From command line, vlc http.../video.h264 --demux h264. Otherwise, you will just see a blank screen even though the camera LED is turned on.

Viola! HD streaming with roughly 500 ms lag (with tweaking, down to 200 ms). It is definitely much easier than using the old methods. Quality and FPS is superb, but you can't embed this in HTML5 without transcodding to MP4 or WebM. I hope this will be implemented as it will truly make this a great standalone server.

There is no video4linux driver availabe yet. This means that we can't use ffserver to stream data using /dev/video0 or simlar like a USB webcam.

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