if you have a linux I made this script (ToH2364.sh) which look for all avi file and convert only the ones using divx3 codecs (msmpeg4) it could help
./ToH264.sh RootPathOfTheSearch extensionToLookFor ExtentionOfTheEncodedFile CodecToCheck
./ToH264.sh /media/HDD/ avi mp4 msmpeg4
but only the directory is mandatory so it could simply be:
./ToH264.sh /media/HDD/
#!/bin/bash # erease result file echo Result"Result FileFile" > ToH264.result #Get the forlder to search fld="$1" #Get the extension to look for if it exist, else look for "avi" if [[ $2=="" ]] then exti="avi" else exti=$2 fi #Get the futur extension for if it exist, else set "mp4" if [[ $3=="" ]] then exto="mp4" else exto=$3 fi #Get the codec to look for if it exist, else look for "msmpeg4" if [[ $4=="" ]] then cdc='msmpeg4' else cdc=$4 fi # exe the search and save the result in TpH264.tmp find $fld -name "*.$exti" > ToH264.tmp #convert each result stored in the file ToH264.tmp if it use the specified codec and if the output file doesn't exist while read line do if avprobe -show_streams "$line" | grep $cdc then echo "$line" >> ToH264.result no | avconv -threads 8 -i "$line" -c:v libx264 -crf 20 -c:a copy "${line%.*}.$exto" fi done < ToH264.tmp