I'm planning to do a debianDebian server which givecan deliver picore pxe to RPI 3/3+.
I'HaveI have dnsmasq which givegives a correct ipIP in the range and will provide the correct tftpboot option with the "Raspberry Pi Boot" given by a tag based on the mac address (3 first hex b8:27:eb:::*).
The first time, the rpi bootboots quite well (22nd try due to lack of trafictraffic on my vlanVLAN). But after the first boot, I have to change my dhcpDHCP range to give himget another ipIP address. Without that, he change the Pi won't boot.
I've read that it may come from the GUID which say hesays it already got the pxe boot and won't provide himit twice.
thanks. TH4