I backuped my RPI following goldilock's answer (Can a Raspberry Pi be used to create a backup of itself?). Running this:
rsync -axHv --delete --exclude-from=rsync-exclude.txt --rsh="ssh" [email protected]:/ rpi_backup/
Where rsync-exclude.txt
My sd-card turned into trash so I wanted to restore my backup. I copied a raspbian image to a working sd-card (I checked it with fsck.ext4
and badblocks -vsn
), booted my RPI with it once and then run:
sudo rsync -av --delete-during /something/rpi_backup /mnt/sdcard_partition2/
Then I tried to boot my pi, but ended up in emergency mode. I got some errors like failed to mount Configuration File System
What did I do wrong? Any help is appreciated!