Not tested on the Pi but I have this in .bash_profile
on another machine to start (or reconnect to) a tmux session with a couple of commands running in windows 0 and 5 and four terminals when I login:
if which tmux 2>&1 >/dev/null; then
If not inside a# tmux$TMUX session,variable reconnectis toset 'mysession'when running in a session.
# If we're NOT in a session AND we fail to attach
# to the 'mysession' doessession notTHEN
exist start # 1. Start a new session with HTOP running
# HTOP running and2. Add 4 new windows with terminals
# 3. Add a final new window watching SYSLOGthe syslog
# 4. Choose the first terminal window
# 5. Connect to the new 'mysession' session
test -z "$TMUX" && \
( tmux -2 attach-session -t mysession || \
( \
tmux new-session -d -s mysession -n 'HTOP' '/usr/bin/htop'; \
tmux new-window -t mysession:1 -n 'Term1'; \
tmux new-window -t mysession:2 -n 'Term2'; \
tmux new-window -t mysession:3 -n 'Term3'; \
tmux new-window -t mysession:4 -n 'Term4'; \
tmux new-window -t mysession:5 -n 'LOGS' '/usr/bin/watch tail -n 40 /var/log/syslog'; \
tmux select-window -t mysession:1; \
tmux -2 attach-session -t mysession \
) \
Not quite what you want (because this only starts the commands when I login the first time) but I think the key is you need to append your python command to the /usr/bin/tmux new -s dropx
line in your script rather than use send-keys