I'm new about Raspberry world..
I'm studying a way to implement a custom beehive monitoring system.
I would like to make a premise: I'm studying to organize the project, I'm not yet implementing or testing anything.
The most important monitoring parameters are (for the moment): weight, temperature and humidity. I have my bees into a remote place so I haven't power connection and wi-fi.
To try to solve the power problem my idea is to use a battery with a solar panel and, to optimize the power and solar charge I will switch on and off the system periodically just to take the measurements. My idea is to use a similar approach like this: https://www.arrow.com/en/research-and-events/articles/solar-powered-raspberry-pi-with-attiny85
And also, just to try to reduce (as possible) the consumes my idea is to use a Raspberry Pi Zero.
About the data-connection my idea is to use the module to use a SIM (GSM/LTE) on my Raspberry.
From your point of view, are these aspects valid?
Now I have to analyze two additional big points:
As explained, I am interested in monitoring these 3 parameters so, probably, I'll need:
- 1 temperature sensor
- 1 humidity sensor
- 4 weight scale sensors (one for each angle of the beehive).
The question, about this point, is: can I connect all sensors on the same Raspberry? Are the available pins enough? In general, If it's necessary to connect a lot of components, Is it possible to use the same Raspberry (is it possible to reuse a pin?) As you can see, I'm not an electronic expert (I'm a software developer) so, any help or any example/tutorial about it is vital for me.
The second aspect, similar to the first, is this: I have more beehives that are close together (I have, for the moment around 6/8 beehives). For those who don't know, a beehive is a sort of box like this: Image The beehives weight could be around 30-50kg).
I'm focused on a prototype but in the future I'll need to monitor these 3 parameters for each beehive. Obviously I need to reduce, as possible, the number of the components because, as described, I don't have the power connection and wifi data, so I would like to avoid to replicate the schema for each beehive: I would like to avoid to have multiple battery, multiple mini solar panels and multiple SIMs. Is it possible to make only one main module (only one Raspberry) with many sensors? Is it a possible real scenario or it's only into my science fiction?
About the weight scale sensors I found this project just to give you an idea. But probably I need to change the sensors because I will need to support different maximum weights.
arduino weather station