I install raspbian today on micro sd card 16 go with Win32DiskImager to put the installation image on the card.
It start perfectly, I just install oh my zsh, XRDP, vim, set static ip.
I attempt to connect to it with remote connection feature from windows everythings works great.
Then, I shutdown it, move location to put on Ethernet and boot it without screen.
I attempt again to connect to it with remote connection feature but it "didn't" work (connection was successful but no GUI ) so I go back as before with screen mouse keyboard and surprise, black screen, no error.
I see the loading with "OK" and then redirect to a black screen with the white typing cursor. I'm able to use tty0 and type command, I tried some thing like rm Xauthority.
I don't have a clue of what happend and It's quite frustrating to be honest.
Any idea !? Thanks !