I'm trying to set my RPi 3B running Raspbian up with a VPN and I already subscribe to VPNSecure so I attempted to install it using the Linux instructions here: https://support.vpnsecure.me/articles/getting-started/linux-vpnsecure-client-install using the 64-bit installer (32-bit wouldn't work and kept giving an error). It seemed to work fine and put an icon in the Start menu under Accessories but every time I attempt to run it, it opens a dialog stating that it needs permission to run and requiring a password. Once I put the password in, I get an hourglass for a few seconds and then nothing happens... It never goes anywhere or does anything. Trying to run it via command line also throws an error and does nothing:
/etc/vpnsecure/vpnsecure: 1: /etc/vpnsecure/vpnsecure: ELF: not found
/etc/vpnsecure/vpnsecure: 2: /etc/vpnsecure/vpnsecure: : not found
/etc/vpnsecure/vpnsecure: 7: /etc/vpnsecure/vpnsecure: Syntax error: end of file unexpected (expecting ")")
I'm fairly unfamiliar with Linux and have done ok up until now. Has anyone has success getting this installed on your system? And if I'm completely in the wrong area can you please help me figure out how to completely uninstall and start from scratch? I'm not great with all the command line stuff and keeping up with it so I prefer the GUI approach for this if at all possible. I greatly appreciate any assistance.