I have Samsung TV (UE46B8000XW) and Raspberry PI with OpenELEC install (cec-client is there). I found how to switch it off and how to change sources:
echo "standby 0" | cec-client -s' # switch off
echo "tx 2F:82:10:00" | cec-client -s' # hdmi1
echo "tx 2F:82:20:00" | cec-client -s' # hdmi2
But I can not find commands to change channels, increase/decrease volume. cec-o-matic.com doesn't help - it looks like many commands are not supported (see sample log at https://pastebin.com/VYFu0zYk).
Is there any way to get a full list of supported commands?
Update 1:
I think about the following approach - what if I try to send all possible commands one-by-one and then parse the result somehow. Looks like I can send all possible commands with bash. What is about checking result? What is the correct approach to understanding if the command is supported or not? Should I look for the reply TRAFFIC message?
Update 2: I am experimenting now with the following (value equal to 36 is switching off my TV, so I skip it):
for z in 10 e0 2f
for i in $(seq 16 1 256)
i=$(printf "%0x\n" $i)
if [[ $i != "36" ]]
echo "$z:$i"
echo "tx $z:$i" | cec-client -s >> cectest-$z.txt
Then I use the following regex to find non-standard replies:
TRAFFIC: \[.{16}\] >> (?!01:90)(?!0f:87)
echo h | cec-client -s -d 1
to get the list. raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/a/9147/442215 Manufacturer Support
), it appears to be sparsely filled/mostly unsupported by the manufacturers. I'm suggesting you may be at an impasse. Hope that's not the case, but...