I have just completed my project on an object tracking robot using raspberry pi and I want to be able to view my live video output remotely but I cant seem to find a way how to do it.
What I currently do:
I installed remote.it on my raspberry pi which enables me to connect my Macbook laptop to the raspberry pi via VNC viewer. The raspberry pi is powered by a power bank and I am able to connect my Macbook laptop to the raspberry pi using remote.it. But once I am connected to my raspberry pi using my laptop I then execute the python file for object tracking robot and the live output video displays but has a lot of latency and the whole frame just freezes.
How could I fix this?
What I expect to do:
I want to be able to connect to the raspberry pi through my laptop remotely when it is powered by a power bank via VNC viewer or any means possible so when I execute my python code I should see the live video output without any latency so I can show that my object has been detected.
I was still thinking if it was possible to use remote.it to connect to the raspberry pi then when I execute the python code the live video output without latency should be displayed to a webpage.
I will appreciate it if anyone could help me with solutions on how I could remotely access my raspberry and execute the python code and display a live video output without latency and even how I could display a live video output to a webpage.
live output video displays but has a lot of latency and the whole frame just freezes. how could i fix this?
what is your internet upload bandwidth? increase it