I am building a raspberrypi zero eink photoframe. My aim is to create a photo frame that I would be able to put on the wall without cables hanging around, battery powered. In order to achieve this I thought that an eink screen would be a good idea as it will not require too much power to refresh the screen and keeping the pi waking up and turn off using cronjobs.
My understanding after reading a bit around is that cronjobs that deal with turning on/off the raspberrypi would not work as it does not have a clock. So I was thinking of a solution that involves the addition of a RTC (real time clock) to the pi. Using an RTC and a cronjob, my overall plan would be:
- The raspberry pi get turned on
- A script fetches the new image that need to be displayed connecting to my photo library
- The picture get displayed
- Turn off the pi
- Turn on after X minutes/hours
Two questions:
Would that be possible with a combo of RTC + battery?
What would be an estimate of the battery life of the frame?