I have a Pi Zero W that I'm going to trust to manage some expensive equipment. But two nights in a row, it has failed. It stops executing anything including my script and the ssh daemon so that I have to power cycle it. This is unacceptable reliability, and I can't imagine what my script might be able to do to break the kernel.
So, in absence of reliable hardware, I'm thinking about putting two Pi's together, where through GPIO pins they communicate a heart beat, and if either stops signaling, the other can pull down the RUN pin on the halted one to reset it. This would be a pain to set up, particularly if it won't be adequate to connect one Pi's RUN pin to the other Pi's GND. If I literally have to connect a RUN pin to a GND on the same Pi, then I guess I need a relay, which is a whole nuther bother.
Has anyone run into these problems and can give any advice?