I have a Raspberry Pi 3B+ that boots from its SD card but reads its root filesystem from an external hard drive connected by USB. Everything has been working well since I set that up until I tried to reboot it after about 3 months and it was unable to boot.
I originally followed these instructions for setting up the external rootfs: move the filesystem to a USB stick
At the end of that page is this:
Note One thing you need to keep track off is the difference in kernel versions between the boot code on the SD card and the file system on the USB drive when you apt-get upgrade. The original kernel software on the SD card may get out of synchronization with the newer boot files on the DOS partition. One way to fix that is to revert back to the SD card and also update that file system with apt-get upgrade.
My original SD card appears to be corrupted (which may have been the initial problem) so I can't boot from it. I installed Raspberry Pi OS (2021-05-07-raspios-buster-armhf-full) on a new card, edited /boot/cmdline.txt, and now it boots and reads from the external HDD as before.
There is a new problem though: I see "Failed to start Load Kernel Modules" in the bootup messages. lsmod
shows that no modules were loaded. journalctl
shows "systemd-modules-load: could not open moddep file '/lib/modules/5.10.17-v7+/modules.dep.bin'.
uname -a
shows "linux rpi1 5.10.v7+ #1414 SMP Fri Apr 30 13:18:35 BST 2021 armv7l GNU/Linux".
ls /lib/modules
shows the following folders: 4.19.66+, 4.19.66-v7+, 5.4.58+, 5.4.58-v7+.
uname -a
on a similar Rpi shows "Linux rpi2 5.4.47-v7+ #1322 Wed Jun 17 17:52:39 BST 2020 armv7l GNU/Linux" and ls /lib/modules
is the same as on rpi1.
For reference: rpi1 is the one that uses the external HDD and now has kernel module issues. rpi2 is the one that runs entirely from the SD card and is working normally.
I have recently run apt update
and apt upgrade
on rpi1 already. It looks to me like I need to revert to the 5.4.47 kernel that I had been using on the old SD card, or upgrade the contents of /lib/modules. I have tried copying the files from /boot.bak into /boot which then makes the system unbootable again. I haven't been able to find any similar questions on SE other than this. Would it be possible to copy whatever kernel-related files are needed from rpi2 or rpi1, or is there a better way to fix this?