thanks in advance for any help, this is quite the sticking point for me unfortunately,
Basically I'm coding a program in python for my raspberry pi 3 to read values from two voltmeters, through an ADC, and display them on a TFT screen. The program works, but in order to use the program at the same time as the TFT screen, I need to move the i2c bus to GPIO pins 5 and 6.
(Side note: yes, I'm using external resistors to pull up to 3V3)
I have done this on the end of the raspberry pi by altering config.txt, and I can detect the ADC using i2cdetect. So all good there.
In my python program, it's really only one line of code for the I2C initialization:
i2c = busio.I2C(board.D6, board.D5)
This returns ValueError: No Hardware I2C on (slc,sda)=(6, 5)
when I try to run the program.
I won't claim to be a great or even experienced programmer, and am honestly open to any ideas at this point. I've been all over using google and it seems like this is just a limitation of and there's no real way around it.
I guess at this point I'm wondering if there's another way to code an i2c bus into python, possibly using an alternative library other than busio? Or should I instead rethink my whole project? It might be annoying to change to a different board that either has two i2c hardware busses or analog pins, but at this point maybe it'd be worth it - or I could abandon an LCD display and do something else instead. I tried to use an HDMI display, losing touchscreen functionality but there are very few out there that size. I'd hate to rewrite my program in another language, but... maybe I could just put in a section of code in C, if C doesn't have the limitations of busio?
Thanks again for any thoughts or ideas!