I am new to Raspberry Pi and I want to do real-time object detection using YOLOv8 tentatively (will change if the fps is too low). I realize that by using the code below, it can't detect Pi Cam as the source and run into an error. The Pi Cam works fine with libcamera-hello
and managed to capture photo everything. I also enabled the legacy camera feature. The code works fine with USB webcam.
from ultralytics import YOLO
model = YOLO('best.pt')
results = model.predict(source=0, show=True)
Error: ConnectionError: 1/1: 0... Failed to read images from 0
I thought of one solution which is to capture image every time and pass to the model to predict, but it only produces an image every 2.5s. I guess maybe the model reinitialize every time it predicts an image again.
import cv2
from picamera2 import Picamera2
from ultralytics import YOLO
import numpy as np
picam2 = Picamera2()
picam2.configure(picam2.create_preview_configuration(main={"format": 'XRGB8888', "size": (640, 480)}))
model = YOLO('best.pt')
while True:
im = picam2.capture_array()
img = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
results = model.predict(img)
for box in results[0].boxes:
x = int(np.floor(box[0].xywh[0][0].item()))
y = int(np.floor(box[0].xywh[0][1].item()))
w = int(np.floor(box[0].xywh[0][2].item()))
h = int(np.floor(box[0].xywh[0][3].item()))
cv2.rectangle(im, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (0, 255, 0))
cv2.imshow("Camera", im)
So, there are two questions in my mind:
- How to set Pi Cam as the default
to have real-time object detection using YOLOv8? - How to prevent reinitialization of the YOLO model for image prediction? (If my guess is correct)