I recently have started delving into using the GPIO on my raspberry pi and when I got to the input section of adafruit's tutorials I noticed something wrong. For some reason when I execute the python script to play a song when I push a button it instead immediately acts like I have the button constantly pressed. This results in the songs starting over and over again and forcing me to kill each individually or reboot my pi. I did a small code to test if my theory was correct that would display when my GPIO pins where True and it resulted with them all being True constantly without me pushing the button. I even noticed this behavior when I disconnected the breadboard from the GPIO pins. Something is causing my GPIO pins to be always True and this is a problem for any programs I want to make, please help me.
Link to adafruit tutorial: http://learn.adafruit.com/playing-sounds-and-using-buttons-with-raspberry-pi
I have it wired exactly as in the diagram but it doesn't change anything even if I wire it differently.