I am using my RPi for some time now as a family server mostly for file sharing. Up till now I never had to access the internet via it (to the best of my knowledge). But now I would need it to access the internet in order to download an OMV plugin.
The only modification I did (to the best of my knowledge) to the RPi in terms of its network settings, was to assign a static IP address to the RPi within my home network. Otherwise I did not touch it. Now if I ping the router it works without issue. Yet if I ping or Google.Com I get no response (network is unreachable).
What else could I do to diagnose and fix the issue? Looking at the guides on the internet it seems the internet connection should be a "plug and play", without requiring any further modifications. It also doesn't seem one would need to enter an SSID and WPA2 anywhere, which I find strange as all my other devices that are connected to the internet via WiFi or Ethernet need to do so.
I am using debian bullseye legacy 64-bit lite as the operating system on a Pi 4 Model B (8GB).
Here are the static IP settings that were setup directly via OMV (Network --> Interfaces):
eth0 setup for IPv4 was changed from the method from DHCP and no pre-fixed settings to:
IPv4 method: "Static"
IPv4 Address: "to the desired IP" (same as routers except for the last digit)
IPv4 Netmask: ""
Gateway to "x.x.x.1" (thus the router)