Hi there I got quite a project on my end I am using a mosfet specifically IRF4905 now the I want to turn on a 12 volts LED using this
I have the following materials
12v power supply pi pico w 12v LED IRF4905 10k Resistor
now base on what I read and research (I don't know if I understand correctly) to turn ON the mosfet you have to supply the gate a 0v and to turn it off you have to supply 2v or higher (again I'm not sure correct me if I am wrong)
now my code looks like this
from machine import Pin
import time
# Initialize GPIO 0 as an output pin
gpio_pin = Pin(0, Pin.OUT)
# Function to set the GPIO pin to high (3.3V)
def set_pin_high():
print("GPIO pin is set to 3.3V")
# Function to set the GPIO pin to low (0V)
def set_pin_low():
print("GPIO pin is set to 0V")
while True:
i don't know what is wrong but when I test the negative wire and positive wire of the out to LED still having 12v on the reading