I successfully installed:
on my pi and compiled "red_object_tracking.cpp".
Code located here: http://cvblob.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/samples/red_object_tracking.cpp
when I executed "./red_object_tracking.c" I see the GUI pop up and I see the first few video frames my webcam captures, however, after 5 seconds it freezes and the frames don't update anymore. The program doesn't crash because when I execute "top" I can see it is using 93% of CPU and like 30% of memory.
When I tried building and executing the same program on my mac it worked perfectly (i.e. the frames were updating and when I placed my red pen in front of the camera it correctly boxed only the red parts within a rectangle.
Does anyone know why it's not working properly on my pi?
I"m running the latest version of Raspbian Wheezy and using Open CV 2.3.1.