I installed Avahi with libnss-mdns to be able to access my pi by hostname. Relevant info:
$ cat /etc/hostname
$ ps ax | grep avahi
2103 ? S 0:00 avahi-daemon: running [raspberrypi.local]
2104 ? S 0:00 avahi-daemon: chroot helper
$ sudo service avahi-daemon status
Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Daemon is running
ls -l /etc/avahi/services/
total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 449 Jul 31 13:16 multiple.service
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 299 Mar 10 17:15 udisks.service
And on the pi itself it is working:
$ avahi-browse -a
+ eth0 IPv4 XBMC (raspberrypi) _airplay._tcp local
+ eth0 IPv4 B827EBA83303@XBMC (raspberrypi) AirTunes Remote Audio local
+ eth0 IPv4 XBMC (raspberrypi) _xbmc-jsonrpc._tcp local
+ eth0 IPv4 XBMC (raspberrypi) _xbmc-events._udp local
+ eth0 IPv4 XBMC (raspberrypi) _xbmc-jsonrpc-h._tcp local
+ eth0 IPv4 XBMC (raspberrypi) Web Site local
+ eth0 IPv4 raspberrypi Remote Disk Management local
+ eth0 IPv4 raspberrypi _device-info._tcp local
+ eth0 IPv4 raspberrypi SSH Remote Terminal local
+ eth0 IPv4 raspberrypi [b8:27:eb:a8:33:03] Workstation local
Although I only see local services (and there are others that I can see on my Mac).
On my Mac I can't see it (with Bonjour Browser.app) or resolve:
⌘ ping raspberrypi.local
ping: cannot resolve raspberrypi.local: Unknown host
The other way around does not work either:
$ ping Tino.local
ping: unknown host Tino.local
They are on the same network (192.168.178.x) and I can ssh into the pi and back into my mac. I have rebooted multiple times already.
What next steps can I take?