I am developing an application that will use the NTSC output. It displays mostly numeric data (preferably in various font sizes and colors) and a couple of graphic analog-style "meters". The desire is to get the display to be easily readable on an NTSC display (7"). Unfortunately, this is a hard requirement, so I have to use a 7" NTSC Monitor. However, the 7" display is difficult to navigate and even more difficult to read when driving the OS and code editors, so an HDMI monitor is preferred while I am writing code. I'd like to be able to quickly switch between HDMI and NTSC to see how the application looks on the NTSC monitor.
1 Answer
at the terminal you can change display.
tvservice -c NTSC 4:3
should set into NTSC mode 4:3 aspect ratio.
You can switch the other way see http://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=91&t=5851
will show options