Running latest version of Rasbian and want to execute /home/pi/ from cron every 2 min. Have chmod 755 on the file
When I run the command from the prompt it executes fine and the script does what it supposed to:
pi@raspberrypi ~ $ python
I have added it in cron like:
*/2 * * * * /usr/bin/python /home/pi/
I never get any output from the script. I have other scripts the run fine from cron. What do I miss?
This is what looks like
import time
# Create a unique timestamp for inclusion in the log...
timestamp = time.strftime("Time: %H:%M, Date: %Y%m%d, ")
# append the filename with the date (this will start a new log daily)...
logname = time.strftime("")
filename = "".join(["/home/pi/bredhult_temp.txt"])
# If already created, this will open the current log file, if not it will create a new on
datafile = open(filename, "a")
# open the sensor log file as seen in the tutuorial (replacing 28-000003f1cede with the n
tfile = open("/sys/bus/w1/devices/28-000006879f89/w1_slave")
# read the data and close the file...
text =
# Split the data and extract the temperature value...
temperature_data = text.split()[-1]
temperature = float(temperature_data[2:])
temperature = temperature / 1000
# write our newly formatted date, time and sensor value to our log file...
datafile.write(timestamp + "Temp: " + str(temperature) + "\n")
filename = "".join(["/home/pi/bredhult_temp.txt"])