i wanted to enable SPI on my raspberry pi 3 but in ubuntu mate it says the command "raspi-config" is not found, what is the alternative to this?

5 Answers 5


Raspi-config is now installed on Ubuntu Mate by default. You can call it just the same as on Raspbian, and it works the same.

enter image description here

I know this is an old thread, but this may still be helpful to someone.

sudo apt-get install raspi-config

did it for me. It was not availlable by default on my Mate-version on Raspi2. Now I can start raspi-config in order to enable SPI. TNX @Mohanad Kaleia, @Jacobm001, @hat and OP @Ralph


You have to manually edit config.txt to enable the Device Tree overlay. raspi-config is just a front end to the various configuration files.

AFAIK the SPI entry is there, but commented out (mine have been modified so many times I don't know the default).

Read the README in overlays for more detail.

  • Where is supposed to be this config.txt file?
    – King Midas
    Commented Dec 25, 2017 at 12:15

This is the steps for ubuntu 18.04, maybe it will help you:

sudo echo "deb http://archive.raspberrypi.org/debian/ jessie main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv-keys 7FA3303E
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install raspi-config
  • 1
    Why to use unsupported jessie? Doesn't it work from buster?
    – Ingo
    Commented Sep 8, 2020 at 11:20

You can install it on Ubuntu Mate:

sudo apt-get install raspi-config

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