Recently read this article: where the possibility of hosting a website on a Pi is discussed. But I'm not sure if it's capable of hosting what I want exactly. I have a website I'm in the process of making and I've been thinking I'd rather host the site myself than pay for someone else to host it for me. It's a basic website just to display contact info and my recent projects (text and pictures). Here's an example of the end goal:
Would it be possible to host something like this on a Pi? What are some constraints I should keep in mind when looking for a computer to host this site?
EDIT: Just for some more information, I doubt there'll be any more than 100 concurrent sessions at a time and I don't think security or traffic is too much of an issue really. Just a small thing to show employers.
EDIT2: For clarification I've done a lot more research into this and I'm almost for sure heading towards the direction of Node.JS. My background is in .NET development and just earlier this month I've taken a break from c# and moved into JS. Thanks so much for the help by the way guys. Really appreciate all the anecdotes and objective info as well!