I am running a Raspberry pi 2 with Ubuntu 16.04.2 as a server. I want to run transmission-daemon and download files to an external HDD formatted with NTFS. When I try to download anything to the mounted drive it downloads about 5 MBs and then says Permission Denied.
The corresponding line in /etc/fstab is the following:
UUID=2656894D1130A1AD /media/tamas/NAS ntfs-3g defaults,noatime,uid=debian-
transmission,gid=ntfs-users,umask=000 0 0
My user (tamas) is in the ntfs-users group, and with this umask everything has 777 permissions anyway. So when logged in as tamas, I can read the disk, change and create files.
transmission-daemon start script is as default, it runs under the debian-transmission user.
I don't understand why transmission-daemon has no permission to write on the external hard drive. As far as I know I have set permissions up in a way that it should allow it to write on the disk.
Thank you for your help!