I'm trying to use UWSGI with a virtualenv. My app ini is:

dir             = /var/www/KRAKEN/public/xxx.me/appxx
chdir           = %(dir)
#master          = true
processes       = 1
socket          = /var/run/uwsgi/app/appxx/socket
chmod-socket    = 666
enable-threads  = true
vacuum          = true
plugin          = python34
virtualenv      = /home/gabriel/python_env/appxx/
wsgi-file       = app.py
mount           = /%dir=app.py
logto           = %(dir)/uwsgi.log
py-autoreload   = true

And get:

Set PythonHome to /home/gabriel/python_env/appxx
Fatal Python error: Py_Initialize: Unable to get the locale encoding
ImportError: No module named 'encodings'

If i use the standard python version (2.7) by changing the plugin option in the ini, i get:

"no module named site".

Any clues? Thanks!

  • You have specified a virtualenv, (/home/gabriel/python_env/appxx/). Is it working correctly? That error is often from a misconfigured PYTHONPATH or other site issues. Jul 3, 2017 at 0:30
  • @StephenRauch hi! Yes, because the log output shows Python 3.4 which is consistent with the pyton version in the venv. The system default is 2.7.
    – Gabriel
    Jul 3, 2017 at 2:28


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