I am trying to create a lan web server using a LAMP configuration (linux, apache, mysql, and php)
I installed them using "sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 php-mysql mysql-server"
They all worked fine.
Then, i decided to use WordPress to help me manage my lan web server I did: sudo apt-get install wordpress, then, "sudo ln -s /usr/share/wordpress /var/www/html/wordpress" to link the directory and make it recognisable by the server.
Next, I did "sudo bash /usr/share/doc/wordpress/examples/setup-mysql - n wordpress localhost" to run the wordpress MySql configuration script.
Finally, i went to http://localhost/wordpress in a browser to install wordpress. There i got this error:
"Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress."
This was all done on Raspbian.