I want to use my Raspberry Pi to turn on and off a 12V current for a certain amount of time. I've read a lot on this forum and I've understood that the 5V GPIO Pin is... Not GPIO, meaning that I cannot turn it on and off.
I am not an electronics expert, but I've already learned how to use GPIO to control stuff like Led, or simply closing circuits, using this tutorial (french) : http://blog.idleman.fr/raspberry-pi-06-utiliser-le-gpio-et-interagir-avec-le-monde-reel/
But now I need to transform 5V current into 12V current for about 8 seconds.
I have a Rasberry Pi 3 Model B V 1.2.
I also have this relay : https://www.velleman.eu/downloads/29/vma406_a4v02.pdf
My question is : Could I use GPIO ports to open / close the relay safely ? I imagine plugging the relay into the 5V pin and using another 3.3V GPIO pin to control it.
If I can't do this with Raspberry, I'd like to try with Arduino, so any advice is welcome.