I'm a new user to Raspberry Pi and this is my first Pi project. I'm running the latest version of Raspbian.
How do I configure my Raspberry Pi 3 B+ to map one USB port to another? One port has a thumb-drive and the other would be connected to my vehicle radio.
I have a radio receiver in my pickup truck that can play mp3, mp4 content stored on a USB thumb drive when plugged into the radio. When I want to change the content it always takes me several days to remember to bring the thumb-drive in, several more to change the content, then several more to remember to take it back out. I thought putting Pi in between the radio and thumb-drive would be a cool hack.
What I've done so far:
I've permanently mounted a thumb-drive to the Pi. When I pull into the driveway, the Pi automatically connects to my home WiFi and shows up on my PC as a mapped drive.
- I can manually drag and drop content to it or..
- My NAS automatically backs up from a share to the USB drive on the Pi. I can sit at my computer in the evening, drop content into the share and overnight the NAS synchs the Share's content with what's on the Pi's thumb-drive.
- Transfer rate is 8-10 MB/sec which is plenty fast enough for me.
use an RPi to emulate a thumb drive