Here is the data sheet for the MCP42010:
Here are my best guesses:
- Pin 1 CS goes to Pin 11 / SPI1 CS0 (GPIO17)
- Pin 2 SCK goes to Pin 23 / SCLK (GPIO11)
- Pin 3 SI goes to Pin 19 / SPI0 MOSI (GPIO10)
- Pin 4 VSS goes to Ground
- Pin 5, 6, 7 are pot connections
- Pin 8, 9, 10 are pot connections
- Pin 11 and 12, I have no idea.
- Pin 13 goes to Pin 21 / SPI0 MISO (GPIO9)
- Pin 14 to positive
Thanks in advance for any help you can offer. I've searched online for pinouts for ANY digital pot without any luck.