I've never used linux before, so this may be a problem with that, but I'm trying to simply SSH into my friends webserver using the info he gave me. I looked up that the linux command to ssh is ssh username@hostname. I'm not trying to type that into LXTerminal but everytime I hold shift and hit the number two I don't get @ I get ". Any ideas?

  • 7
    The @ is mapped to the " key in the UK.
    – Jivings
    Commented Jul 13, 2012 at 21:46
  • 2
    By the way, I know this is probably irrelevent, but if you can't be bothered to do the remapping described below, you'll probably find that Shift+' will give @ (the key next to ;) If I guess correctly, this is the combination that normally would give you "
    – ACarter
    Commented Jul 14, 2012 at 13:04
  • Thank you for the keyboard combo "shift + apostrophe" to make @ symbol. It does work! I could not put my email address in the Netflix membership sign in. Appreciate it! Other than that, the Raspberry Pi is a great learning experience!
    – user3392
    Commented Nov 22, 2012 at 4:23
  • BTW, Wikipedia has nice pictures of both US and UK layouts. Commented Nov 23, 2016 at 17:02

4 Answers 4


You need to remap your keyboard. By default it is set to a UK map.

at the command line type:

sudo nano /etc/default/keyboard 

and hit enter. locate the following line


Change the gb to us (This assumes you want a us mapping, if not replace the gb with the two letter code for your country)

and reboot your machine.

if it pauses for a long time during the keyboard mapping stage, enter the following at the command line:

sudo setupcon

Your next reboot should be much faster.



  • Just a note, if nano's not your editor of choice the pi comes bundled with vi as well.
    – Piper
    Commented Jan 19, 2014 at 18:31
  • 1
    That is so wierd. Just saying.... Commented May 2, 2014 at 11:40
  • 2
    Raspbian users should make sure to see scruss's answer and/or this as an alternative.
    – goldilocks
    Commented Sep 26, 2015 at 12:09
  • Thesetupcon was crucial for me. Until then, the keyboard locale just wouldn't get updated. Thanks! Commented Aug 14, 2016 at 21:22

Steve's answer, though correct at the time, is now somewhat out of date. In Raspbian:

sudo raspi-config

and go to the configure_keyboard section with 4 Internationalisation Options -> I3 Change Keyboard Layout

You can choose the correct keyboard type and layout from there.

  • 2
    Is this simply seen as a more user-friendly way of doing the exact same thing, or does this clear up additional problems that Steve's solution does not?
    – TimFoolery
    Commented Dec 26, 2015 at 19:49
  • Under Raspbian, it at least uses the official configuration tool. It may do additional things in the background. At least it sets up the console keyboard and X keyboard with one command, rather than Steve's two.
    – scruss
    Commented Dec 27, 2015 at 11:12

Raspberry Pi configuration has changed as of Jessie (2017):

  1. raspi-config no longer offers Internationalisation Options. The Localisation Options has no submenu for Change Keyboard Layout
  2. Simply setting XKBLAYOUT="us" may default to the Spanish layout.

This worked for me:

sudo nano /etc/default/keyboard

And these were my settings (I'm Canadian):


For our southern neighbors:


There is, however, a bug with that. When you check in

Pi > Preferences > Raspberry Pi Configuration
Pi > Preferences > Keyboard and Mouse. 

it will show United States > Spanish (Latin American). I don't think it affects functionality.

To find out the layout you want, run this in the Terminal:


Then click on Localisation > Set Keyboard... and make your change. Click OK to close the Keyboard Layout dialog. Click Set Keyboard... once more. This time, the terminal window you will show:

Sections: ['Global']
Layouts: ['ca']
Variants: ['eng']
Options: []

Now you can put those into your

sudo nano /etc/default/keyboard

Layouts --> XKBLAYOUT
Variants --> XKBVARIANT
  • I wanted to mention that searching for "change keyboard layout" brings up this answer that is very similar: raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/a/10103 But it doesn't mention that the US/Canada keyboard is pc104; I guess the Rest of the World (Latin-alphabet world outside of US/Canada) uses pc105?
    – Colin
    Commented Mar 26, 2018 at 19:24

Another option that doesn't use the Terminal is going into (from the GUI), Menu > Preferences > Raspberry Pi Configuration > Localization > Set Keyboard, and set it according to where you live.

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