I have a Raspberry Pi which runs a Python script on boot. They initiate and stroke the hardware watchdog at /dev/watchdog
. I recently tried cloning the SD card onto two other SD cards. However on those cloned cards, the device gets caught in a reboot cycle, triggering a reboot about 10 seconds after booting up.
Why would this issue pop up with a new SD card? I can access the files on the SD card through my linux system, so I could make changes there. However I don't have enough time to run console commands because it reboots before I can log in.
What should I do to disable the hardware watchdog? Or to fix whatever issue popped up?
UPDATE: So I tried carefully truncating the image and then dd'ing it to a new card but still reset. Then I tried the original (working) SD card and the original (working) power adapter on a new board, and it still reset. Then I tried it on a third RPI, and it still reset. So, it seems that just the act of changing the RPI causes the watchdog to trigger resets. Getting very low on theories. I then removed the watchdog driver from /etc/modules and it still reset. Also disabled the watchdog daemon in /etc/default/watchdog.
Here's some info from /var/log/syslog:
Oct 31 14:17:39 devbox1 shutdown[2510]: shutting down for system reboot
Oct 31 14:17:40 devbox1 init: Switching to runlevel: 6
Oct 31 14:17:43 devbox1 bluetoothd[2147]: Terminating
Oct 31 14:17:43 devbox1 bluetoothd[2147]: Stopping SDP server
Oct 31 14:17:43 devbox1 bluetoothd[2147]: Exit
Oct 31 14:31:45 devbox1 ifplugd(eth0)[1619]: Exiting.
Oct 31 14:31:46 devbox1 ifplugd(wlan0)[1614]: Exiting.
Oct 31 14:31:48 devbox1 avahi-daemon[2132]: Got SIGTERM, quitting.