How to access the GPIO pins blocked by a HAT?
There are many ways to access the GPIO pins blocked by the HAT, each with pros and cons, as summarized below.
(1) Small foot print double breakout, space saving, but rather expensive (Suggestion 1, 3).
(2) Ribbon cable, easy to access GPIO pins, but needs more space (Suggestion 2).
(3) Replace the built in adapter from HAT by DIY one. Easy and flexible, but might have poor contact problem. (Suggestion 4)
(4) Extend the connecting pins between Rpi PCB and HAT, and use DIY 2 wire to one pin wire, or solder / AWG30 wire wrapping. This needs middle level DIY skills (wire wrapping is very reliable, but needs skills and professional tools) (Suggestions 5 to 9).
Suggestion 1
Suggestion 2
Suggestion 3
Suggestion 4
Suggestion 5
Suggestion 6
Suggestion 7
Suggestion 8
Suggestion 9
Suggestion 10 - DIY or AliExpress/Amazon available stackable HAT
Suggestion 11 - Use Mini PCIe Update 2020jan14hkt0924
Suggestion 12 - Hacking a ribbon cable update 2020jan14hkt1936
(1) Aligning and Crimping Ribbon Connectors
(2) Custom Cables & Guide to Crimping Dupont PCB Interconnect Cables
Suggestion 13 - WaveShare SIM7600 4G HAT
Suggestion 14 - AdaFruit PermaPro HAT
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(1) AliExpress Rpi GPIO stackable extra long 20 pin x 2 header - US$2
(2) AliExpress Ugeek Rpi 20x2 GPIO Header, stackable, double male, right angle male, female header - US$3
(3) AB Electronics Stackable Rpi HATs
(4) I2C Multiple Pin Wiring Discussion
(5) Adafruit Perma-Proto HAT for Rpi (No EEPROM)
(6) Rpi HAT Shopping Tips - Les Pounder 2020jun24
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Appendix A - What is the difference between "HAT", "pHAT", and "bonnet" ?
pHAT usually referred to "partial" HAT, a small size HAT for RpiZero/W. Lady Ada calls it a "bonnet".
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