I tried to delay the startup of transmission-daemon by changing the /etc/init.d/transmission-daemon to use "sleep 600" in the beginning. But it is still starting right after raspberry is turned on.

Does anyone have an idea?

Ps: I need to delay the startup to avoid "no data found" and wait the mount of my USB HD.

Reference: How do I delay transmission-daemon startup until all shares are mounted?

  • Recently, we have had this problem and we solve it by adding a USB hub to make a delay for the hub after each startup of RPi. If you want to solve it by hardware, I'll add an answer, though.
    – M. Rostami
    Jan 3, 2020 at 1:16
  • I have an idea. The reference you have used is nearly 5 years old and really outdated. Many important things have changed, mainly using of systemd instead of SysV init with scripts in /etc/init.d/. Please edit the question and paste the output of this command into it: systemctl status transmission-daemon.service.
    – Ingo
    Jan 3, 2020 at 22:46

1 Answer 1


I found an easy solution.

Since it is being started as service, it is getting the parameters from /lib/systemd/system/transmission.service So, I changed this file adding the sleep 10. It can be even better using RequiresMountsFor parameter

sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/transmission.service

Add following under [Service] section:

ExecStartPre=/bin/sleep 10


systemctl daemon-reload

Reference for better solution: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/441894/wait-to-start-transmission-daemon-until-after-usb-drive-has-mounted


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