I have a rpi4 and have successfully replicated the project listed here using the eTape sensor (etape tutorial) I am satisfied with the performance using long breadboard and T-cobbler. In order to make my setup more compact I purchased the pi-EZ connect board. When I connect all the jumper cables; the sensor no longer works and I get a 3.3V reading from the sensor which does't make sense. It should be within 1.0-1.8V in order to convert into a sensible volume. The sensor does require 3.3V to run; and I'm just getting that value back? I double checked the jumper cables and even tried different cables; but I can't get it to work. I re-assembled with the t-cobbler and breadboard and it works. Not sure if the pi-ez board is bad? The little circuit chip on the right in the photo is the MCP3008. Would like some suggestions or advice on what troubleshooting steps to take from here. Thanks.


  • Ah, let me see. I read the tutorial you mentioned and found it runs on Windows Visual Studio. So I guess you are running Win VS C# to test the eTape. Please correct me if I misunderstand your set up. Now I guess you are now porting the Win C# program to Rpi Mono C#. If my guess is correct, please give me the program listing and perhaps I can try debugging the section related to MCP3008. Another workaround is to forget Mono C# and borrow some python MCP3008 somewhere.
    – tlfong01
    Commented Feb 5, 2020 at 1:50
  • (:) eTape Liquid Level Sensor on SPI MCP3008 (Rpi2 Win10 IoT Core) - Daniel Porrey, hackster.io 2015sep16 hackster.io/porrey/etape-f4b457 (:) 12" eTape Liquid Level Sensor + extras - AdaFruit US$40 adafruit.com/product/464 (:) Porrey Mcp3008 Source Code github.com/porrey/IoT/tree/master/source/… (:) YouTube eTape Liquid Level Sensor on MCP3008 (Win Visual Studio) - 2015sep12 youtube.com/…
    – tlfong01
    Commented Feb 5, 2020 at 1:50
  • hi tlfong01, thanks for reply. I am not using C#. I am using python with the adafruit library. Here is my github: github.com/sktrinh12/tip_novus/tree/master/eTape_sensor . It works fine when using a T-cobbler and the breadboard; but the leds don't turn on and the voltage is not right when I hook up this ez-pi connect board Commented Feb 5, 2020 at 2:51
  • Thanks for the clarification. If you are using AdaFruit python library, then there should be no big deal. Most likely it is just a careless wiring mistake, or an intermittently poor contact problem. Perhaps I should check your github python library later. Cheers. PS - I remember I saw your breakout board a couple of times in other forums. It is easy for newbies to misinterpret the tracing and short or open pins.
    – tlfong01
    Commented Feb 5, 2020 at 3:21
  • is there a good method to try to troubleshoot? How would i test if there is a short ? Commented Feb 5, 2020 at 3:55


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