I want to control the startup of a Raspberry Pi 4 and at the same time listen to the GPIO status of the 40 pin. Can I use an Arduino for that? If so, any advice on which Arduino shall I use?
1 Answer
You can monitor the Pi GPIO from an Arduino.
Note that all the Pi GPIO are 3V3 and there are 28 of them on the 40-pin expansion header.
You will need an Arduino with at least 28 GPIO if you want to monitor all the Pi GPIO simultaneously. Although a 5V Arduino will probably see a Pi logic high 3V3 as high it might be safest to use a 3V3 Arduino.
Remember you must also connect the Arduino and Pi grounds.
Ok, thanks. Do you about an Arduino HAT that I can "plug" directly on top of Raspberry and suitable for that?– MiguelCommented Mar 8, 2020 at 11:37
Does that contain an Arduino? Note that shopping advice is off-topic for this site.– joanCommented Mar 8, 2020 at 12:39
Yes, you are right. Sorry, forgot about that. In that case, can you advise any good introduction on how to read a schematic map?– MiguelCommented Mar 8, 2020 at 12:48