I have a standard float switch in a remote water reservoir connected to a normal electric cable (100m+ long). I want to check with a raspberry pi if the float switch is on (i.e. water level is low) or off (i.e. water level is okay) and based on that control a relay switch.
Is there an easy way to detect if the switch is on or off with a raspberry pi? I presume I cannot simply connect it to the GPIO pins as it is a float switch that is meant to automatically disconnect a mains circuit?
Update1: The float switch looks like this and thus simply disrupts a mains electricity signal
Update2: I prefer to use this existing float switch as it is already in place in the reservoir and the 100m+ cables are in place under ground. It was connected to the mains and would automatically disrupt the power to a pump, but I want to have a raspberry pi in-between. So I guess the question can be rephrased to: in what way can one measure if current can flow through a mains wire with a raspberry pi?