Im currently looking into building a quadcopter from scratch. The Raspberry Pi only has two PWM pins though, which isn't enough. And software PWM isn't great either, because you can't control a motor as precise as you could with hardware PWM. (And also it's unreliable.)
However, I found a servo driver using the PCA9685 I2C-to-PWM converter chip, which is basically a board that has 16 slots for servos that are controlled by hardware PWM. You communicate with the board over I2C and can set the frequency duty-cycle with a much greater resolution than you could with software PWM.
I was wondering whether or not I could use such a board for driving four ESC modules. It shouldn't make much of a difference, right? Are there any reasons why this wouldn't work? If so, is there any other way how I can control four ESC modules on the Raspberry Pi?