
I have an old raspberry pi 3B+. After a long time, I tried to use it. I found raspbian stretch image file in an old archive. So I wrote it in a 32GB microSD card and tried to boot the pi. But the ACT light(green) doesn't glow at all.

Things I tried

  • Re write the image file to sd card ( I know the img file is not corrupted as I remember using it previously and it worked ).
  • I checked the 3V3 pin, and it is working ( so I haven't fused or burnt my pi ).
  • I tried it with another SD card, still it doesn't help.

I went through the internet but could't find any troubleshooting methods other than the above. Help me to boot my little old friend [ her name is ANA :) ].

  • 1
    Try your SDCard in another RPi. If it boots OK then send your 3B+ to the recycling and replace it with a RPi4B 2GB.
    – Dougie
    Commented Jul 7, 2020 at 7:56
  • 1
    what did you use to write the image to the SDCARD? Also, have you tried using the latest image (Raspberry pi OS Buster) to see if that works Commented Jul 7, 2020 at 10:00
  • Follow the The Boot Problems Sticky and tell us what step fails.
    – Ingo
    Commented Jul 9, 2020 at 17:35

1 Answer 1


Do a fresh installation using the latest operating system. I noticed similar thing when I tried running a stretch OS that I upgraded from Jessie. But when i tried using a freshly installed Buster OS, it booted normally.

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