The RGB LED I bought is a cheap one. It seems that even though it has 3 colour components (R,G,B), It cannot really reproduce such colours as I see on a PC monitor. For example, setting the same low value to all three components does not give me a dark grey colour as I see on a computer monitor, but just a small white colour (not even actually white, some red or blue colours are glistening if I stare at it).
Is this because this is a cheap module or an RGB LED cannot produce PC-monitor colours? If the answer is the latter, is there some type of small lamp hardware that can reproduce real RGB colours?
sudo pigpiod
thenpigs p 17 100 p 27 50 p 22 25
. The colour should be stable. 17/27/22 are the GPIO connected to pins 11/13/15. The values 100/50/25 are out of 255 (e.g. 0 off, 128 half on, 255 full on).