Currently I am working on RPI GPIO with a breadboard, some LED's and buttons. My next step is to add a bigger button and LED to de GPIO.
I would like to connect an Eaton 216557 LED-module to the GPIO pins of the Raspberry Pi to control it with a python script.
Specs of the LED-module:
Rated operational voltage [Ue]: 12 - 30 V AC/DC, 50/60 Hz V
Rated operational current [Ie ]: 8 - 15 mA
Power consumption [Pmax.]: 0.26 W
Can someone please tell me if this is possible (since RPI is only 3.3V). If it is possible, how can I get it working?
- what kind of resistors
- maybe someone can draw a schematic
- read something about MOSFET ?
Thanks for helping!