Scenario is this: My office wifi AP uses a simple "press to agree button" captive portal. That works well for humans, but in this case my wifi client is an instrument that does not have any scripting capability. It can only connect to a non-captive AP.
I'd like to use the Pi3B+ to solve this problem by inserting itself in the middle. It would connect to our captive portal using one wlan, logon (selenium?), then pass through the connection to the other wlan as a basic AP.
I used Ingo's excellent answer to "access-point-as-wifi-router-repeater-optional-with-bridge" to build both a wifi-wifi bridge, and a wifi-wifi repeater. They work great, but the Pi that runs those images does not seem to have an internet connection available to itself so I can't use it to launch a browser and run a script. I have a Pi 3B+, PiZeroW, and a handful of Edimax and similar USB wifi transceivers.
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thank you!