I've been stuck on this for a while. I'm following a simple tutorial for RPi-controlled LEDs. From this, my LEDs do random stuff and don't light up correctly. I've been trying strandtest from this library's examples
Compare that to using Arduino Uno with FastLED's examples. Everything works perfectly with Arduino.
I know that this question is vague, but it seems like it scares people off when I ask this question in a more specific way with a more detailed explanation about my setup.
I've tried RPi 2 B+ with Raspbian Stretch and RPi 3 B+ with Raspberry Pi OS from January 2021. Same exact result with both RPis.
Any ideas what's going wrong here?
ALITOVE 16.4ft WS2812B Individually Addressable LED Strip Light 5050 RGB SMD 150 Pixels Dream Color Waterproof IP67 Black PCB 5V DC
--- I am using this level shifterhttps://cdn-shop.adafruit.com/product-files/1787/1787AHC125.pdf
, which is recommended by Adafruit