Raspberry Pi 4 8GB

Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS

Before this happened, I was able to run a bunch of Docker containers without an issue. However, my Pi suddenly stopped working (wasn't able to SSH into it, wasn't able to launch Nextcloud or Jellyfin), so I decided to just do a soft shutdown. My Pi's case has a feature where if you hold the power button for 3 seconds, it does a soft shutdown.

When I powered it back on, none of my containers were running. I ran docker container ls to see if this was the case and I got:

Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?

Searched online, and people on StackOverflow saying I should do sudo systemctl start docker. Tried that but got:

Job for docker.service failed because the control process exited with error code.
See "systemctl status docker.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.

So I ran systemctl status docker.service and it produced the following:

● docker.service - Docker Application Container Engine
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/docker.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Sun 2021-04-04 12:50:28 EDT; 11s ago
TriggeredBy: ● docker.socket
       Docs: https://docs.docker.com
    Process: 5618 ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// --containerd=/run/containerd/containerd.sock (code=exited, status=2)
   Main PID: 5618 (code=exited, status=2)

Apr 04 12:50:26 ubuntu systemd[1]: docker.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Apr 04 12:50:26 ubuntu systemd[1]: Failed to start Docker Application Container Engine.
Apr 04 12:50:28 ubuntu systemd[1]: docker.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 3.
Apr 04 12:50:28 ubuntu systemd[1]: Stopped Docker Application Container Engine.
Apr 04 12:50:28 ubuntu systemd[1]: docker.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
Apr 04 12:50:28 ubuntu systemd[1]: docker.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Apr 04 12:50:28 ubuntu systemd[1]: Failed to start Docker Application Container Engine.

Also ran journalctl -xe and got:

-- The job identifier is 2207 and the job result is done.
Apr 04 12:50:28 ubuntu systemd[1]: docker.socket: Succeeded.
-- Subject: Unit succeeded
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support: http://www.ubuntu.com/support
-- The unit docker.socket has successfully entered the 'dead' state.
Apr 04 12:50:28 ubuntu systemd[1]: Closed Docker Socket for the API.
-- Subject: A stop job for unit docker.socket has finished
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support: http://www.ubuntu.com/support
-- A stop job for unit docker.socket has finished.
-- The job identifier is 2290 and the job result is done.
Apr 04 12:50:28 ubuntu systemd[1]: Stopping Docker Socket for the API.
-- Subject: A stop job for unit docker.socket has begun execution
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support: http://www.ubuntu.com/support
-- A stop job for unit docker.socket has begun execution.
-- The job identifier is 2290.
Apr 04 12:50:28 ubuntu systemd[1]: Starting Docker Socket for the API.
-- Subject: A start job for unit docker.socket has begun execution
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support: http://www.ubuntu.com/support
-- A start job for unit docker.socket has begun execution.
-- The job identifier is 2290.
Apr 04 12:50:28 ubuntu systemd[1]: Listening on Docker Socket for the API.
-- Subject: A start job for unit docker.socket has finished successfully
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support: http://www.ubuntu.com/support
-- A start job for unit docker.socket has finished successfully.
-- The job identifier is 2290.
Apr 04 12:50:28 ubuntu systemd[1]: docker.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
Apr 04 12:50:28 ubuntu systemd[1]: docker.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
-- Subject: Unit failed
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support: http://www.ubuntu.com/support
-- The unit docker.service has entered the 'failed' state with result 'exit-code'.
Apr 04 12:50:28 ubuntu systemd[1]: Failed to start Docker Application Container Engine.
-- Subject: A start job for unit docker.service has failed
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support: http://www.ubuntu.com/support
-- A start job for unit docker.service has finished with a failure.
-- The job identifier is 2207 and the job result is failed.
Apr 04 12:50:28 ubuntu systemd[1]: docker.socket: Failed with result 'service-start-limit-hit'.
-- Subject: Unit failed
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support: http://www.ubuntu.com/support
-- The unit docker.socket has entered the 'failed' state with result 'service-start-limit-hit'.

The info I was given didn't help me narrow anything down, so I kept searching and found someone else who told me to do sudo dockerd. That produced the following warnings:

INFO[2021-04-04T12:56:17.445820368-04:00] Starting up
INFO[2021-04-04T12:56:17.447780951-04:00] detected nameserver, assuming systemd-resolved, so using resolv.           conf: /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf
INFO[2021-04-04T12:56:17.449789072-04:00] parsed scheme: "unix"                         module=grpc
INFO[2021-04-04T12:56:17.449890775-04:00] scheme "unix" not registered, fallback to default scheme  module=grpc
INFO[2021-04-04T12:56:17.449956182-04:00] ccResolverWrapper: sending update to cc: {[{unix:///run/containerd/containe           rd.sock 0  <nil>}] <nil>}  module=grpc
INFO[2021-04-04T12:56:17.449991293-04:00] ClientConn switching balancer to "pick_first"  module=grpc
INFO[2021-04-04T12:56:17.452504633-04:00] parsed scheme: "unix"                         module=grpc
INFO[2021-04-04T12:56:17.452582725-04:00] scheme "unix" not registered, fallback to default scheme  module=grpc
INFO[2021-04-04T12:56:17.452640502-04:00] ccResolverWrapper: sending update to cc: {[{unix:///run/containerd/containe           rd.sock 0  <nil>}] <nil>}  module=grpc
INFO[2021-04-04T12:56:17.452674465-04:00] ClientConn switching balancer to "pick_first"  module=grpc
INFO[2021-04-04T12:56:17.486909155-04:00] [graphdriver] using prior storage driver: overlay2
WARN[2021-04-04T12:56:17.571738900-04:00] Your kernel does not support cgroup memory limit
WARN[2021-04-04T12:56:17.571820474-04:00] Your kernel does not support cgroup rt period
WARN[2021-04-04T12:56:17.571848455-04:00] Your kernel does not support cgroup rt runtime
WARN[2021-04-04T12:56:17.571874085-04:00] Your kernel does not support cgroup blkio weight
WARN[2021-04-04T12:56:17.571899381-04:00] Your kernel does not support cgroup blkio weight_device
INFO[2021-04-04T12:56:17.572419193-04:00] Loading containers: start.

So I'm thinking the issue must be related to my kernel. Did the soft shutdown somehow mess with the kernel? And how do I revert the issues so I can get Docker up and running again?

  • the Your kernel does not support cgroup messages are not an issue - I get those, and docker runs fine Commented Apr 5, 2021 at 23:20
  • whats the output of sudo systemctl status docker.socket - since that has failed Commented Apr 5, 2021 at 23:28

1 Answer 1


I found a solution and it involved reinstalling Docker entirely. Do note that you'll lose most of your settings by doing this.

sudo apt purge docker.io (removes Docker)

sudo apt autoremove (remove its other dependencies)

sudo apt install docker.io (installs Docker)

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