I've seen the older thread asking about a pi 2 on a cinema display, but the responses weren't helpful.
I have an old Apple Cinema display that does work - had an ancient mac up and running, but that machine is too old to do what I need. I have a Pi4 running Raspberry Pi OS(32bit). Using another monitor on HDMI-0 to set things up, I'm trying to change settings on HDMI-1 that will work on the Cinema Display.
Regardless of the settings (that I've found), the light on the cinema display outputs three short blips indicating that the video received is the wrong format. Can anyone shed light on this issue or should I put the Cinema Display back in storage for some other future use?
to use user defined settings, and then figure out the value forhdmi_timings=
or perhapshdmi_cvt=2560 1440 60 3 0 0 0