Originally my question is here. But nevertheless I will copy part of it here.
At home I have external USB 3TB HDD. Also at home I have a wifi, but there is no strict computer place.
So my first goal was to be able to connect to my HDD via wifi. So options were NAS box, router with USB or old computer.
But at one forum, guys adviced me to use Raspberry PI, as a server.
So I'v researched a little bit and I'v got a plan:
- Raspberry PI model B(A originally, because of 1 port and 10$)
- USB HUB(4+ slots)
- WIFI module.
- DYNDNS to be able to connect from outer world.
- External 3TB HDD.
- Debian + FTP server
- Other server software like web-server and DB. Might be some custom apps.
So as model A has only single port, and model B only 2 with ethernet, I think it is far more better to buy a model a and a hub, so I will be able to use wifi adapter, my HDD and some other devices as well.
This should be kind of 24/7 system I guess.
Is it a good plan or there are some drawbacks?